Our company stands on solid foundations, which are our core values!
Loyalty is one of them, and we strongly believe in it!
We are proud to have established trustworthy relationships with our employees, partners, and suppliers, thanks to the honesty and transparency that binds us to them, taking these relationships beyond mere professional matters


Our company stands on solid foundations, which are our core values!
Respect is one of them, and we strongly believe in it!
Treating people with kindness and respect for their individuality and ideas, regardless of their role and whether they are our employees, customers, or suppliers, is our first daily mantra, and we firmly believe that this is a key strategic aspect for an efficient and thriving work environment!
Respect fosters cooperation and makes it easier to achieve common goals.
It is also essential to have respect for our past because who we are today is the result of our history, and for our future, preserving the company's assets and caring for the environment around us.
Let's all commit to practicing respect every single moment...because it makes all the difference!


Our company stands on solid foundations, which are our core values!
Transparency is one of them, and we strongly believe in it! We feel that it is important to be fully transparent about our production process and to share the good news as well as the challenging situations. Working side by side with our employees, suppliers and customers is the best way to find timely solutions and guarantee the satisfaction of all parties involved.


Our company stands on solid foundations, which are our core values!
Trust is one of them, and we strongly believe in it!
Trust is a fundamental element of the Tecnodent approach: on a personal level, we encourage trust in one's own abilities and in the activities and cooperation with colleagues to achieve common goals, because we like to think of ourselves as an extended family. But trust also means absolute confidence that our products are exceptional and that our materials are the best they can be, so that we can inspire our loyal customers every day and show them that they really are in good hands.


Our company stands on solid foundations, which are our core values!
Sustainability is one of them, and we strongly believe in it.
For years, Tecnodent has been committed to becoming a zero-impact company by making its daily contribution to safeguarding the planet, while ensuring the well-being of its Team.
Doing well by doing good every single day!

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Company Profile


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ISO 13485

Progetto senza titolo-3

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ISO 9001

Progetto senza titolo-5

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ISO 14001

cert 14001

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Ethical Code


TECNODENT is part of FAVERO HEALTH PROJECTS group, leader in the development, production and distribution of furniture for hospitals and healthcare field.